O Pe. Tolentino é sem dúvida uma pessoa especial. Gosto muito de o ouvir, mas ainda gosto mais de o ler! Os textos dele tocam-me sempre imenso e fico sempre com vontade de ler mais e mais... Deixo-vos este sobre os Avós, simplesmente delicioso! Falaram de um jogo um bocado elementar que é utilizado nas escolas quando se quer introduzir a questão das escolhas éticas. Existe um navio que se está a afundar e que transporta dez tripulantes. Ao lado, está um providencial bote salva-vidas pronto para ser posto em funcionamento mas onde infelizmente não cabem todos. O bote só comporta sete pessoas. Urge, por isso, determinar quem tem lugar ali. Tarefa bem dramática! Os dez tripulantes formam, normalmente, um naipe humano variado, novos e idosos, parentes e estranhos, simpáticos e antipáticos, notáveis e anónimos, instruídos e inaptos. Com que critérios construiríamos nós a decisão se estivéssemos perante uma situação tal? O jogo tem evidentement...
I read your blog post (in Portuguese) mentioning that you often receive emails from Portugese nationals asking for your advice or opinion about moving to Macau.
I'd be really interested in getting in touch with you about the subject, but I'm not sure how to reach you (your blog doesn't have any contact information).
Is there any chance you could let me know how to get in touch with you? You can reach me either at solum@hku.hk or at +852 5500 3251.
Best regards,
Aleks Solum
I read your blog post (in Portuguese) mentioning that you often receive emails from Portugese nationals asking for your advice or opinion about moving to Macau.
I'd be really interested in getting in touch with you about the subject, but I'm not sure how to reach you (your blog doesn't have any contact information).
Is there any chance you could let me know how to get in touch with you? You can reach me either at solum@hku.hk or at +852 5500 3251.
Best regards,
Aleks Solum
I read your blog post (in Portuguese) mentioning that you often receive emails from Portugese nationals asking for your advice or opinion about moving to Macau.
I'd be really interested in getting in touch with you about the subject, but I'm not sure how to reach you (your blog doesn't have any contact information).
Is there any chance you could let me know how to get in touch with you? You can reach me either at solum@hku.hk or at +852 5500 3251.
Best regards,
Aleks Solum
I read your blog post (in Portuguese) mentioning that you often receive emails from Portugese nationals asking for your advice or opinion about moving to Macau.
I'd be really interested in getting in touch with you about the subject, but I'm not sure how to reach you (your blog doesn't have any contact information).
Is there any chance you could let me know how to get in touch with you? You can reach me either at solum@hku.hk or at +852 5500 3251.
Best regards,
Aleks Solum